Razor's Edge

The most impressive strikes and superlative parries are not matters of luck or circumstance when made by a warrior utilizing the Razor’s Edge — they are the fruits of keen awareness, concentration, and iron-clad discipline.

1st Degree

Exploit Footing

1st degree razor's edge maneuver

Exertion Cost: 2 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 reaction

Range: 5 feet

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Blood Hunters, Fighters, Gunslinger, Monks, and Rangers

When a creature makes a melee attack roll against you with advantage and misses, or if they make an attack roll against you with disadvantage and both attack rolls would miss, you can use your reaction to knock the target prone.

Dangerous Stance

1st degree razor's edge maneuver

Exertion Cost: 1 exertion point

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: Stance, until the end of your next turn

Classes: Blood Hunters, Fighters, Gunslinger, Monks, and Rangers

You begin to hit with deadly but risky strikes. As a bonus action, your critical range is expanded by 2 until the end of your next turn. If you roll a 1 on any d20 die rolls, including unused rolls from advantage, your turn immediately ends. You cannot reroll natural 1's with inspiration or any other feature while under the effects of this maneuver.

Iron Will

1st degree razor's edge maneuver

Exertion Cost: 2 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 reaction

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Blood Hunters, Fighters, Gunslinger, Monks, and Rangers

You steel your mind, focusing and concentrating on keeping your composure. When you make a wisdom saving throw, you can use your reaction to gain advantage on the roll.

Perceptive Stance

1st degree razor's edge maneuver

Exertion Cost: 1 exertion point

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: Concentration, Stance, Until the end of your next turn

Classes: Blood Hunters, Fighters, Gunslinger, Monks, and Rangers

You take in your surroundings with great care and attention. As a bonus action, you enter a perceptive stance, increasing your passive perception by 5. You also gain advantage on perception checks, and have a +1 to attack rolls for the duration.

2nd Degree

Practiced Roll

2nd degree razor's edge maneuver

Exertion Cost: 2 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: 15 feet

Target: Self

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Blood Hunters, Fighters, Gunslinger, Monks, and Rangers

You can use a bonus action to move up to 15 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Use the Pain

2nd degree razor's edge maneuver

Exertion Cost: 1 exertion point

Casting Time: 1 reaction

Range: Your weapon's range

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Blood Hunters, Fighters, Gunslinger, Monks, and Rangers

When you are hit with a critical strike from a weapon attack, you can use your reaction to make a weapon attack with advantage against the creature that attacked you.

Twist the Blade

2nd degree razor's edge maneuver

Exertion Cost: 1 exertion point

Casting Time: 1 reaction

Range: Your weapon's range

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Blood Hunters, Fighters, Gunslinger, Monks, and Rangers

When you roll one number below your critical hit range, you can use your reaction to make it a critical hit.

3rd Degree

Between the Eyes

3rd degree razor's edge maneuver

Exertion Cost: 2 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Your melee weapon's range

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Blood Hunters, Fighters, Gunslinger, Monks, and Rangers

When you roll an 18-20 on the d20 for an attack roll, you can use your bonus action to deal an additional 4d6 damage. This damage is not doubled on a critical hit.

Drive Back

3rd degree razor's edge maneuver

Exertion Cost: 2 exertion points

Casting Time: Part of an attack

Range: Your weapon's range

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Blood Hunters, Fighters, Gunslinger, Monks, and Rangers

Your attack deals an extra 2d6 damage. Whether you hit or not, your attack pushes the target back 10 feet.

Mind Over Body

3rd degree razor's edge maneuver

Exertion Cost: 3 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 reaction

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Blood Hunters, Fighters, Gunslinger, Monks, and Rangers

When you take damage, you can reduce the damage taken by 5. If the damage came from an attack from a creature, you take 5 less damage from any subsequent attacks made by that creature until the start of your next turn.

4th Degree

Perfect Strikes

4th degree razor's edge maneuver

Exertion Cost: 3 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 reaction

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Classes: Blood Hunters, Fighters, Gunslinger, Monks, and Rangers

You focus all your attention on landing perfect strikes. Your critical hit range is increased by for up to 1 minute as long as you keep concentrating on the maneuver.

Razor Strike

4th degree razor's edge maneuver

Exertion Cost: 2 exertion points

Casting Time: Part of an attack

Range: Your melee weapon's range

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Blood Hunters, Fighters, Gunslinger, Monks, and Rangers

You feed off the adrenaline from a a solid strike and turn that energy into a burst of movement. Your attack deals an extra 2d6 damage, and your speed increases by 20 feet until the end of your turn. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity from the target you hit with this effect this turn.

Sharpened Awareness

4th degree razor's edge maneuver

Exertion Cost: 3 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 reaction

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: Until the end of your next turn

Classes: Blood Hunters, Fighters, Gunslinger, Monks, and Rangers

When a creature misses an attack roll against you, you can use your reaction to gain advantage on all of your attack rolls against that creature until the end of your next turn.

5th Degree

Heightened Concentration

5th degree razor's edge maneuver

Exertion Cost: 3 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 reaction

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Blood Hunters, Fighters, Gunslinger, Monks, and Rangers

You nearly lose concentration, but you shake your head and stay focused. Whenever you fail a concentration check, you can use your reaction to succeed instead.


5th degree razor's edge maneuver

Exertion Cost: 5 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Your weapon's range

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Blood Hunters, Fighters, Gunslinger, Monks, and Rangers

You deliver a lethal killing blow with a secret technique. You make a single weapon attack against a creature within your weapon's range, dealing an extra 6d6 damage. Your attack is automatically a critical hit, but if you roll a critical hit anyways, your attack automatically reduces the target to 0 hit points. If the creature has legendary saving throws, it instead removes one of them.