Tempered Iron

Those who utilize the techniques of Tempered Iron are certain of their every step and swing, often zealous in their pursuit of a foe and motivated by a daunting drive to succeed no matter the cost.

1st Degree

Imposing Glare

1st degree tempered iron maneuver

Exertion Cost: 1 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: 15 feet

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins

As a bonus action, choose a hostile creature within 15 feet of you. If it can see you, it must make a wisdom saving throw versus your maneuver save DC. If it fails, it is frightened of you until the start of your next turn. Whether or not the creature is frightened, your next attack against the creature deals an extra 1d6 damage.

Purge Magic

1st degree tempered iron maneuver

Exertion Cost: 1 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 reaction

Range: Your melee weapon's range

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins

As soon as your senses seize upon the uttering of an incantation or a hand working the gestures of magic your body reflexively reacts with violence. When a creature you can see within your reach casts a spell, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against it with advantage.

Striding Swings

1st degree tempered iron maneuver

Exertion Cost: 1 exertion points

Casting Time: Part of an attack

Range: Your melee weapon's range

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins

When you make this attack, you can move through the enemies space as if it were difficult terrain.

Zealous Aura

1st degree tempered iron maneuver

Exertion Cost: 2 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Classes: Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins

As a bonus action, you activate an aura that lasts up to 1 minute or until you lose concentration on it. While this aura is active, you can add your proficiency bonus twice to your first attack roll made on your turn. If the enemy you are attacking has cast a spell, you can add your proficiency bonus twice to all your attacks against them.

2nd Degree

Faith Within

2nd degree tempered iron maneuver

Exertion Cost: 2 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 reaction

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins

When you fail a saving throw against a spell or other magical effect, you can use your reaction to repeat the save.

Gaze of Conviction

2nd degree tempered iron maneuver

Exertion Cost: 2 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: 10 feet

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Until the start of your next turn

Classes: Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins

As a bonus action, you gaze into a creature. If it can see you, it makes a wisdom saving throw versus your maneuver save DC. On a failure, the creature has disadvantage to attack anybody but you until the start of your next turn. 

Break Spell

2nd degree tempered iron maneuver

Exertion Cost: 2 exertion points

Casting Time: Part of an attack

Range: Your melee weapon's range

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins

You strike your opponent with a blow designed to interrupt mages. Your attack deals an additional 1d6 damage. If your opponent is concentrating on a spell, you have advantage, your attack deals another 1d6 damage for a total of an extra 2d6, and the opponent has disadvantage on their concentration saving throw.

3rd Degree

Defy Magic

3rd degree tempered iron maneuver

Exertion Cost: 2 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 reaction

Range: 30 feet

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins

Your will can triumph over spells. When a creature within 30 feet of you makes a spell attack against you, you can use your reaction to defy it. The creature makes a spell casting ability check versus your maneuver save DC. If the creature fails, their attack automatically misses you.

If the spell is of 7th level or higher, this maneuver has no effect.

Peer Through

3rd degree tempered iron maneuver

Exertion Cost: 1 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: Concentration, until the end of your next turn

Classes: Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins

You hone your vision, seeing through illusions and allowing you to see creatures under the effects of an invisibility spell within a 20 foot radius of you.

Zealous Flurry

3rd degree tempered iron maneuver

Exertion Cost: 3 exertion points

Casting Time: Part of an attack

Range: Your melee weapon's reach

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins

If your attack hits a creature under the effects of a spell of 3rd level or lower, your attack dispels it and deals an additional 3d6 damage.

4th Degree

Devoted Assault

4th degree tempered iron maneuver

Exertion Cost: 3 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Your melee weapon's reach

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins

As a bonus action, you choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. Until the end of your next turn, all your attacks have advantage against that target, however you can only use your actions to either move closer to the enemy, or attack it. You cannot use any bonus actions during this time unless it is for a maneuver from this category.

Disrupting Charge

4th degree tempered iron maneuver

Exertion Cost: 2 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 reaction

Range: 30 feet

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins

When you see a creature cast a spell, you can charge at them in a blind rage. You can move up to 30 feet towards them, and if you end adjacent to the creature, you can make a melee weapon attack with advantage against them. If you score a critical hit against the target, their spell is interrupted and has no effect, wasting the spell slot.

Stunning Assault

4th degree tempered iron maneuver

Exertion Cost: 2 exertion points

Casting Time: Part of an attack

Range: Your melee weapon's range

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins

Your attack deals an extra 2d6 damage, and the creature must make a constitution saving throw versus you maneuver save DC or be stunned until the start of your next turn.

5th Degree

Branding Steel

5th degree tempered iron maneuver

Exertion Cost: 4 exertion points

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Your melee weapon's range

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Up to 1 minute.

Classes: Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins

After hitting an opponent with a melee weapon attack, you can use your bonus action to brand them for up to 1 minute, or until they regain 30 hit points or more. You deal an additional 1d6 damage to the branded creature any time you deal damage to them. This extra damage increases to 2d6 when you are below half your hit point maximum.

Burning Embers of Faith

5th degree tempered iron maneuver

Exertion Cost: 4 exertion points

Casting Time: Free Action

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins

When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you regain health equal to your level and cannot be reduced below 1 hit point until the start of your next turn. If that damage was from a spell, you regain health equal to twice your level.