Setting Specific Homebrew


Instead of taking the bonus feat granted to humans, you can instead take one of the following:

Winterlands Human

Growing up in the Winterlands has made you extremely tough, able to brave not only the cold temperatures, but the harsh conditions of the Falcon Rebellion. You gain the following benefits:

Wildwood Human

Growing up in the Wildwoods has made you an expert hunter and tracker. People from the wildwoods are often below average height, but of a light build, allowing them to track their prey quickly and quietly. You gain the following benefits:

Spire Human

You have ancestors from long ago that used to live in The Spire before it was destroyed in the War of the Fallen Angel. Those that descend from people in The Spire often have a natural affinity for magic, whether they choose to pursue it or not is up to them. You gain the following benefits:

Roselands Human

You grew up in the Roselands, a land of prosperity and plenty. You gain the following benefits:

Golden Coast Human

You grew up in the Golden Coast, a land of knowledge and discipline. You gain the following benefits:

Dunelands Human

The Dunelands is a land of sand and extreme heat. Growing up there has given you the following benefits:

Bleakwater Human

The Bleakwater is a bleak and desolate environment, often getting no light and suffering through the murky swamp for survival, you gain the following benefits:

Western Continent Human

The Western Continent is a land still full of areas to explore and chart, and the humans that survive there must be crafty in order to do so. You gain the following benefits: